Happy Birthday, Mandy!

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Today is the day that it’s ALL ABOUT MANDY!

Mandy is one of our Orthodontic Assistants, and because today is her birthday, we want to tell you why we love her and why we think she’s interesting, special, and someone for whom you should ditch your diet to eat your favorite dessert.

First of all, Mandy is a romantic and all about the restoration of relationships. She fell in love with and married her best-friend’s twin brother, has birthed beautiful twin girls, and cares for two dogs (with one as the three-legged variety!). She loves a good love story, and in her dream Hollywood life, she’s definitely married to Channing Tatum. ?

Mandy’s inspiration is her mom, who she says has always been loving and supportive no matter what. She loves where she’s from and hopes to one day go Great Britain to know and understand her ancestry. In the 90’s, her favorite jam was Montell Jordan’s This is How We Do It, so what we suggest is a mini dance-party exactly where you’re standing right now, because we’re sure we just got that song in your head on Mandy’s behalf!

Happy Birthday, Mandy! Enjoy this awesome day!

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Freeman Orthodontics

We believe we’ve built something special! Freeman Orthodontics is about more than just creating beautiful smiles. We believe in truly taking care of people and building relationships.