Two-phase treatment is not a clever way for orthodontists to get you into two sets of braces, we promise.
Two-phase treatment simply means that there will be two separate parts to your orthodontic treatment; however, this is not double the cost and double the time. Though we try to avoid this when possible, in many cases, it is needed for the best end result.
The first phase of treatment, Phase I, is aimed at intercepting a moderate or severe orthodontic problem early in order to reduce the severity or eliminate it. These problems most often include crossbites (of the front or back teeth) and crowding. Phase I treatment takes advantage of the early growth spurt and turns a difficult orthodontic problem into a more manageable one. This can also greatly help self-confidence in the young child who is being teased or embarrassed by the position of his or her teeth. This phase of treatment usually begins while the permanent front teeth are erupting (typically around the age of 8-9). We usually recommend this treatment when waiting could cause orthodontic problems or social problems to worsen.
The second phase of treatment, Phase II, will occur after all permanent teeth have completed eruption. This serves to complete proper alignment which cannot be achieved with baby teeth present. In our office, this phase of treatment is significantly discounted due to the expense of Phase I treatment.