Happy Birthday, Tonya!

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Today is Tonya’s birthday, so it’s only right that we celebrate by telling you as many random things about her as we can!

The absolute first thing you need to know is that Tonya is a strong woman from the Bay Area with 24 years of experience as a Lab Tech. She knows what she’s about! Tonya is our Game-of-Thrones watching, popcorn-eating friend, and she actually mentions popcorn quite a bit! ?

If you want to be on her side, offer her some popcorn and sing her a rendition of her favorite Peaches and Cream song from the 90s.

Tonya says that her children inspire her, and we know it’s true. She loves her kids and really enjoys taking them to eat at Yiasso’s. The worst pet she ever had was a Chia Pet (probably because it was lazy), and her favorite sport is hockey. Tonya is a huge fan of action, and that’s easy to see here in the office. She knows how to take care of business, and we’re very grateful for that.

Here’s to today being her best birthday yet! Happiest Day to Tonya!

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