Here’s What You Can Expect When We Re-Open

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We are just as tired of this “Corona-cation” as you are! Last night we all had a Zoom meeting where our only order of business was to wish upon a star that we would get to see our patients and each other (in person) very soon!

Our patients have had a lot of questions about what things will be like at the office when we get to open back up. While we still DO NOT have a date just yet because lucky star wishes take time, we wanted to give you a little insight as to what things will be like when we get to re-open! As always, we will continue to provide the same excellent care you know to expect, but with some minor modifications. Our top priority will always be to keep our patients and staff safe.

Here is what you can expect:

  • Patients will be seen in the order they were originally due for an office visit. Don’t worry — you will keep the same time slot you chose before!
  • We’re fortunate that many of your regular appointments can be accomplished virtually. So as we move forward, we will take advantage of this fantastic technology and plan your virtual and in-office appointments accordingly.
  • Parents: Please stay in your car at your child’s appointment. To keep our patients and our staff safe, we will need to limit the number of people we have in the office at one time. We will be happy to call or text you after your child’s appointment to fill you in on progress and next steps!
  • Prior to being seen, each patient must wash their hands and sanitize when they enter the office.
  • When you arrive, Megan and Franko will check you in for your appointment — no need to use the self check-in station.
  • Our team will reach out via phone or text to schedule your next appointment.
  • We’re on a mission to save trees — and also reduce the amount of paper we all come into contact with. So going forward, all of your documents delivered and signed digitally.

Our greatest apology is that we will no longer have our fresh baked cookies you have come to love. We will bring them back as soon as we can! Thank you all for your patience through all of this and going forward. We are just as anxious as you to get back into the swing of things and as soon as we have an open date to report we will reach out and let all of you know! 

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One thought on “Here’s What You Can Expect When We Re-Open

  1. Can’t wait to see you all again – even if from my car! 😀 and want to get back on track with Julia’s care. So far everything is going fine here. #stayhomeandstaysafe

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Freeman Orthodontics

We believe we’ve built something special! Freeman Orthodontics is about more than just creating beautiful smiles. We believe in truly taking care of people and building relationships.