Welcome to the Team, Franko!

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If you’ve stopped by the office lately, you’ve probably met Franko — our new Director of Creativity & Patient Experience! Franko is super creative, cool under pressure, and just an all-around good dude.  ?

So what does Franko do exactly? Franko manages all of our social media and marketing efforts and helps us make sure the most important people — our patients — have the best possible experience, online and offline.

Here are 5 things we bet you didn’t know about Franko:

  1. He’s from Hollister, CA.
  2. He’s the youngest of 3 and has 2 paw-brothers (see pics below!).
  3. The show he’s most likely to binge-watch is… Friends! He’s already watched all 10 seasons at least 5 times. He grew up watching the show, but now he truly appreciates the group dynamic and overall story arc.
  4. Best place to eat? Franko recommends Happy Hooligans if you’re vegetarian/vegan and craving that good ol’ southern comfort food.
  5. In the story of his life, the actor that would play Franko is…Michael Cera! Why? “No, he’s not Asian, but out of all the Hollywood actors, I feel he can best portray me. We both have awkward personalities and I believe he would get me.”

Welcome to the team, Franko!

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One thought on “Welcome to the Team, Franko!

  1. HA! Megan has spoken so highly of you Franco, since the day of your interview. I had a mental picture in my mind of what you would look like and now after seeing these pics……….I was right on! You seem like a super great guy and an awesome fit to the freeman team! Hope to meet you one day!
    -Megan and Brittani’s mom, Julie

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Freeman Orthodontics

We believe we’ve built something special! Freeman Orthodontics is about more than just creating beautiful smiles. We believe in truly taking care of people and building relationships.