Clear Braces | We know that sometimes a more discreet option is what is needed. That's why we offer Clear Braces to help our patients have a better and faster experience to achieve the smile they deserve.

General Empower Clear Brackets Information

Freeman Orthodontics uses the Empower Self Ligating Brackets and Radiance Plus™ brackets for ceramic braces and orthodontic treatment. Dr. Freeman uses these brackets to better offer our patients a technologically advanced, ceramic bracket system for the smile that they expect to receive and results that are fast, reliable, and beautiful. Empower Clear Braces and Radiance Plus provide our patients’ ceramic braces that combine beautiful clear brackets, clear cosmetic appliances, and self ligation.

Freeman Orthodontics

We believe we’ve built something special! Freeman Orthodontics is about more than just creating beautiful smiles. We believe in truly taking care of people and building relationships.