
We’ve made paying for orthodontic treatment even easier.

Just scroll, double tap, and get all the information you need!

We want the entirety of your treatment to be as easy and pain-free as possible, right up to when you get into your car! That is why we’ve begun using Symplpay, an app that makes the payment process as easy as pressing a button on your phone! Symplpay allows you to view your payment history, check on upcoming payments, print receipts, update your card information and make one-time payments from your phone, tablet or laptop.

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If you ever need a refresher on your payment information, Symplpay can give you that information in a quick text message! You can check your balance, payment history, card on file, current balance due, details on your next payment or remaining payments all by texting the provided number.

These are all things that you should NEVER be left guessing about, and we want to make them as easily accessible as we possibly can because we want to care for you every step of the way.

Using Symplpay

For quick account updates via SMS, text the following commands to: 1-855-780-0220 from your number on file.

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Download Symplpay

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