Can Braces or Invisalign Help Fix My High Canine Teeth?

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It’s one thing to have crooked teeth. It’s quite another when those teeth come in too high or too low. This often happens with the canine teeth, also known as cuspids. Canine teeth are your fang-like teeth that you might jokingly refer to as your vampire teeth. For us sunlight-loving humans, it’s better to have our canines alongside the rest of the front teeth and at just the right length. Luckily, Dr. Freeman knows just how to fix those high canines.

What causes high canine teeth, and how do you fix high cuspids? We have the answers for you below!

What Causes High Canine Teeth?

We know what you’re wondering: How did I get high canine teeth? They’re usually caused by genetics or other dental issues. This can include everything from a narrow palate, to teeth overcrowding, to an overbite or deep bite that forces the teeth out and reduces the gaps for the canine teeth to fill. With nowhere to go, the canines erupt above the gum line or below the gum line for the lower canines.

There are two types of high canines: ectopic teeth and impacted teeth. Ectopic teeth don’t erupt from the gums on time and drop into their proper position. This gives the other teeth too much time to shift and close the holes where the canines are supposed to go.

Impacted teeth come in at the normal time, but they can’t drop into their proper place because other teeth are in the way. This can include baby teeth that haven’t come out on time or permanent teeth that shifted quickly when the baby canine teeth fell out. Either way, you could end up with high canine teeth.

Do High Canine Teeth Cause Dental Issues?

You bet. High canine teeth can cause several dental issues if they aren’t treated, problems that can lead to jaw pain and problems eating. That’s why we encourage you to get treatment for your high cuspids sooner rather than later.

High canine teeth might not create that perfect smile we all dream of, and that can lower a patient’s self-esteem. Many patients try to hide their smiles because they don’t like how their high canine teeth look. We don’t want that! We want you to be proud of your smile!

If that isn’t enough, high canine teeth can cause problems with how you bite and chew your food. The canines are designed to grip and tear your food, but if they’re up too high, they can’t do that properly. Having high canine teeth usually means your other teeth are out of alignment as well. That means you may have trouble chewing properly. Over time, this can lead to problems such as jaw pain or even teeth grinding. That’s why we encourage patients to treat their high canine teeth as soon as possible.

Can You Fix High Canine Teeth With Braces?

Yes, you can fix high canine teeth with braces! In fact, that’s one of the most tried-and-true methods for bringing those high cuspids down to where they belong. Treatment with braces can also address the problem that may have led to your high canine teeth, such as crowded teeth, overbites, or gapped teeth. Treatment for high canine teeth with braces may not take as long as you expect. Dr. Freeman uses precise control to straighten your teeth in as short of a time as possible. Treatment time can average 9-12 months and will address all of your dental issues at once, including other crooked teeth or an overbite.

Treatment can happen with metal braces or our clear braces. Freeman Orthodontics offers both options! So if you’re a bit self-conscious about wearing metal braces, rest assured! We offer clear braces that better match the color of your teeth, so they’re harder to see. You’ll have your high canine teeth in their proper place in no time!

Can You Fix High Canine Teeth Without Braces?

In some cases, you can fix high canine teeth without braces. Three methods to do this are extraction, using a dental arch or palate expander, or undergoing surgical transplantation. These three methods are usually for people who don’t have other severe dental issues.

Patients with overcrowded teeth may benefit from tooth extraction, usually either the first or second premolar. That’s the two teeth that sit behind the canines toward the back of the mouth and in front of the molars, or back teeth. Your dentist will extract one premolar on each side of your mouth. This allows the teeth to shift into the hole and makes room for the canines to drop on their own.

What happens if your upper jaw is just too narrow? That’s where a dental arch or palate expander can help. These devices widen the palate or roof of your mouth. This allows more space for the teeth, and the high canine teeth can drop into place.

In severe cases, you may need an oral surgeon to move the canines into place surgically. This is called transplantation. The oral surgeon removes the canines from the upper jaw and moves them into their proper place. This can only be done if there is enough space to put the canines where they belong. This surgery is rare. More often than not, your high canines can be fixed by other methods, including braces or extraction.

Can You Fix High Canine Teeth With Clear Aligners?

It is possible to fix high canines with Invisalign-style clear aligners, but it’s often more difficult to use this method. However, combining braces with clear aligners can usually do the trick of dropping your high cuspids if clear aligners alone can’t.

If your high canine teeth don’t sit too high above the rest of the teeth, it’s possible to treat them with clear aligners. Freeman Orthodontics offers both options! Both have made major advances in clear aligner treatment over the years. You may be surprised at how much they can correct, including your high cuspids.

If your high canine teeth are too high, we may start you off with braces or clear braces to move them down and make room for them by moving the other teeth out of the way. Then, if you prefer, we can switch to Clear Aligners for further treatment.

Sometimes, though, braces are just the way to go. If you don’t like the look of metal braces, it’s OK! Freeman Orthodontics offers clear braces, so you can show off that smile before and after your high canine teeth are put in their proper place.

Getting Treatment for Your High Canine Teeth

High canine teeth can lower a patient’s self-esteem and make it more difficult to bite or chew food. That’s why Dr. Freeman encourages you to get yours treated as soon as possible. At Freeman Orthodontics, we offer a free, no-obligation evaluation to new patients in the San Jose, CA, area. We will provide a thorough examination and state-of-the-art dental imaging to determine what treatment is best for you. You could have the smile of your dreams before you know it!

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