Happy Birthday, Brittani!

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Something about Brittani: she’s known in our office for her lipstick. If she could eat Taco Bell errr day, she would. She even claims it’s the healthiest fast food out there. Ha!

Brittani also has a gold tooth that she’s super proud of:

Brittani is a jack-of-all-trades in our office. She can be found assisting, working the front office, as a lab tech, an office manager… Even janitor!  (see below) ? ?



Brittani is worth knowing, so we sat her down for a little interview to see what else we could learn about her and share with you! Here goes:


Do you have any strange phobias?

I fear late night phone calls.I worry something might be wrong.

Best band ever?

Too hard to answer. Too many bands that ROCK!

If you were a kitchen appliance, what would you be?

Dishwasher….Hot and steamy!

What was your main goal in life when you were 10 years old?

To be an adult. SUCCESS! Goal accomplished!!

What do you love about your job?

Always learning, making people feel special. Also, Dr. Freeman, he’s an awesome boss and even better friend!


Braces can truly fit any budget! We want to find a monthly amount that fits your unique life circumstances.

We can extend your customized plan over the course of your treatment all while offering 0% financing!

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Freeman Orthodontics

We believe we’ve built something special! Freeman Orthodontics is about more than just creating beautiful smiles. We believe in truly taking care of people and building relationships.