Can You Fix a Crossbite With Clear Aligners?

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You may have heard the term “overbite,” but have you heard of a crossbite?

People may not know that term as well, but crossbites are relatively common dental problems. They can have crossbites alone or combined with other issues, such as overbites.

Clear aligners offer one solution to crossbites. 

Freeman Orthodontics offers Invisalign-style and Angel clear aligners that can fix a range of dental issues:

Clear aligners use clear acrylic trays that are virtually invisible. These aligners put gentle pressure on the teeth to move them to where they’re supposed to be. The aligners are removable, so they don’t require a change in eating habits

What can clear aligners do for a crossbite, and can they work for you? Let’s take a look!

What’s a Crossbite?

Let’s start with the most obvious question: What is a crossbite?

A crossbite is when a tooth or several teeth on the lower jaw sit outside or directly under the upper teeth. Ordinarily, the upper teeth sit slightly outside the lower ones.

To be more specific, an anterior crossbite is when the front lower teeth sit in front of the upper teeth when your jaw is at rest. A posterior crossbite is when the back lower teeth are outside the back upper teeth. 

A patient can have one or both of these types of crossbites. They can also have just one tooth or several teeth in crossbite positions. 

Do I Need to Fix a Crossbite?

So you have a couple of teeth out of place. No big deal, right?

It may not seem to be a big deal now, but it can become a big deal to your oral health over time. Crossbites can lead to: 

Treating a Crossbite With Clear Aligners

The good news is crossbites are fixable with orthodontic treatment. 

In most cases, crossbites can be treated with braces or with clear aligners. Freeman Orthodontics can take a look at your teeth and figure out which treatment is best for you. 

Clear aligners have become more popular for many reasons. Some patients like the fact that they’re virtually invisible. Others prefer clear aligners because they’re removable and lack the food restrictions of braces. 

Freeman Orthodontics offers custom treatment plans with clear aligners. The aligners are customized to fit the patient’s mouth. Patients are given 3-4 sets of clear aligners per office visit and wear each set for two weeks. Each set of aligners is designed to move the teeth to certain positions until the last set moves the teeth to their final position.

Using Cutting-Edge Technology

So how does all this work? It starts with an evaluation. 

Your parents may tell you about their experience with orthodontic evaluations. The technician would mix up this gritty, gooey mess and put it into a metal tray; then, they’d have to bite down to make an impression. Sure, they’d add a little flavoring to the goo, but you still had flavored, gritty goo stuck in your teeth afterward. Yuck!

Thanks to today’s technology, you don’t have to worry about grit or goo. We use iTero Element® and i-CAT scanners to produce a precise, accurate image of your mouth and teeth. We can then make a 3D model of your teeth. That model is used to create your customized aligners.

Why Clear Aligners?

Braces are great for orthodontic treatment and essential for some of the more complex cases. But clear aligners have a few advantages over braces.

The most significant advantage of clear aligners is the most obvious: They’re clear! That means they’re virtually invisible. 

Clear aligners are also removable. Why is this important? It means there are no food restrictions like there are with braces. Instead of trying to decide whether you can eat or drink something, you simply remove your aligners, enjoy your favorite foods or drink, then brush your teeth, rinse your aligners, and put them back into your mouth. 

Clear aligners also have slightly shorter treatment times than braces. Braces can take 12-24 months on average, but clear aligners take just 9-15 months! 

Clear aligners can correct crossbites alone or along with other dental issues, such as overbites or underbites. The result is a beautiful smile you’ll be proud to show off! 

Getting Started 

How do you decide if Invisalign or Angel is right for you? We make it easy! Start a virtual consult here on our website, and we’ll contact you for a more thorough evaluation. 

The consult and evaluation are free, and you’re not obligated to continue if you’re not ready. You have nothing to lose! 

We proudly serve San Jose, CA, and The Bay area, and we’re looking forward to serving you! 

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Freeman Orthodontics

We believe we’ve built something special! Freeman Orthodontics is about more than just creating beautiful smiles. We believe in truly taking care of people and building relationships.